performance, galeria N.A.S.A.L, November 2023
Madres, Monstruos y Máquinas is an artistic research and body exploration project directed by the artist Lucrezia de Fazio and divided into 3 acts that interrogates the interrelationships between the concepts of mother, monster and machine.
The first chapter of Madres, Monstruos y Máquinas titled Act I: Cantos will be presented on November 9 and 10 at N.A.S.A.L gallery (Mexico City).
The female body has the power to constantly change its appearance, distorting the notion of a fixed body shape. These possible mutations bring the female body closer to the notion of the monster understood as the ambivalent, the mixed, recalling the ancient Greek root of the word monsters teras which means both horrible and wonderful, object of aberration and adoration. Also the female body, in its sense of the maternal body, is both attractive and repulsive, sacred and infernal, dirty and transitory. The possibility of mechanizing maternal function through technology has made the manipulation of life - through various combinations of genetic engineering - a reality. New artificial monsters are created in high-tech laboratories by altering the shape, expansion and materials of the bodies themselves.
Madres, Monstruos y Máquinas is an attempt to physically expand the possibilities and powers of a body that is increasingly mechanical, maternal and monstrous at the same time.
Cantos is a performance performed by six women who, like elements of an assembly line, compose live, through their voices, bodies and instruments, a lullaby.
Matteo Binci
Cantos showed at Galeria N.A.S.A.L on November 2023 in Mexico City. Videography and edition by Natalia Failde
Backstage photos by Hugo Matula